Height of being lazy
“Choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” This dialogue firmed my conception of laziness. I was born lazy, still lazy, and now since I have an awesome quote to back up my habits.
When it comes to habits, they are hard to die but as a lazy one, we hardly create any. If we actually look around there are lots of community groups in the world but we do not have a lazy people community/support group. If you are not a lazy person then let me tell you why we don’t have it? It is because we are seriously lazy to even do that. Meh! it is a lot of work but that doesn’t mean we do not appreciate each other. A lazy person to another lazy person is like a gem. Like protons and neutron. Once we meet similar energy it is like ‘Hakuna Matata’. We share our experiences and cheat sheets.
During my lazy span of life, I have met many but there is one special who is imaginative twin energy. We shared lots of ‘What if’ ideas like instead a cooking food why not eat capsules and done with it. Why not clothes are disposable, wore once then scrape no need to wash. (Don’t worry I do care about nature till I have eco-friendly suggestion all of these will be tucked in the corner of my mind) There is only one place where a lazy person is not lazy is in their own mind. There will be lots of calculations and plays going on to avoid the stuff in real life.
It is just like this blog, I want people to know about us but also wanted it to be finished the moment I wrote the title. Hope you were not lazy and reached at least at this point. As a person who actually took an initiative to explain what goes in our minds. I just want you all to understand our perspective towards life and tell you one thing that We are not lazy, we are just motivationally challenged.
It is just like this blog, I want it to be finished the moment I wrote the title but I need to write more and explain cause I wanted people to know about us. Hope you were not lazy and reached at least at this point. As a person who actually took an initiative to explain what goes in our minds. I just want you all to understand our perspective towards life and tell you one thing that we are not lazy, we are just motivationally challenged.
*Bonus writing, there are lots of how to get rid of lazy habit articles but here I have few things to share to add it to you lazy list (My Lazy Cheat Sheet/Habits)
- Ready to cook, 2 mins meal, they are blessings. Always stay up-to-date on what new stuff is coming in the market.
- Want the water bottle from the fridge or a charger, don’t get up wait for others to pass by ( kids can be the best victim of it.)
3. Want to wash your car, wait for the rain
4. Have a very good relationship with your neighbors who cook well.
5. If someone annoys you don’t bother giving reactions, it a lot of effort. Just ignore it will annoy them more.